History of condiments

And Condiment Daves

Where did they come from?

Condiments have probably been around as long as people have been eating, which is a really really long time. The word condiment comes from the Latin condimentum which means spice, seasoning or sauce, and condire which means to preserve, pickle or season.  Condiments have been known since ancient times in Rome, Greece, India and China. The Romans made a kind of salted, fermented fish sauce called garum and liquamen. I bet that attracted the cats.

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History of Condiment Daves

It's a lot shorter than the history of condiments. It all started the weekend before last when we went camping and took deli meat and bread for sandwiches but forgot to bring mustard and mayonnaise. Luckily I had some packets of ketchup, horseradish sauce, honey mustard and barbeque sauce in my truck and joked that we would have to ration those few packets among the four of us for the duration of the trip. So I got the title. 

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